Sunday, January 21, 2007

Favorite Strong Club System

After Dwayne and I combined ideas to from a new partnership earlier this year, we discovered that some of our ideas were similar to Sabine Auken's system as described in her book: "I Love This Game." We call our version The ULTRA CLUB. We maintain the 'living document' on Google's "Docs & Spreadsheets" web pages.

The Precision Club was not a new idea by C. C. Wei, a similar system was described in Margery Burns' book "The Nottingham System of Contract Bridge," 1954, 1959, 1969. I played this version at the Nottingham Bridge Club in England, in 1999. In 1963 a private publication in Memphis, TN, USA was the TRI-S System combining Schenken's ideas (similar to the Vanderbilt Club Convention) with Sheinwold's (and Kaplan's) weak NT and 5-card majors. I don't remember the other S to complete the Tri-S System.



Dustin said...

HI, would you be willing to share these notes? I've been trying to "recreate" the "Aunim" Club system but unable to find the full structure anywhere online.

My email is

Lak said...

Same here, Larry. Partner and I are trying to create a strong club, 4-card major response system. Would you share?